Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Retirement village residents hear about ParraPals

Residents listening to Margaret
This morning John and I had an opportunity to talk to residents at our retirement village - Constitution Hill - about our computer club.

About 30 people showed up, including some of our friendly neighbours, and about 7-8 residents who are already members of ParraPals.  Some other participants are, or have been members of computer clubs at Blacktown, The Hills or Holroyd.
I suppose the residents were looking at me!

John commenced with a potted history of our club, including the help given by other clubs to get us established in 2007; and talked about how our courses and other activities operate.
I then spoke to the Family History slide show that Deborah had prepared, and handed out material on our courses, the club brochure and the family history hand out.

John then demonstrated Picasa, which is taught at the club in the Managing Digital Photography course and is so useful for scrapbooking, writing life stories or family histories as well as blogs like this!

He was able to straight, crop and correct the colour balance on some photos he took during my presentation.
This photo of the Centre was enhanced with Picasa

Participants appeared to enjoy the demonstration, and some may even join the club.  One lady has an Apple Mac and is coming to our Apple Mac Special Interest Group on Friday.

After the presentation we enjoyed morning tea together.

Thanks especially to Keith South - the Resident Committee Secretary - for arranging the room booking and setting up the chairs with some help from Ken Miles; and to Elaine Muddle, Val Craig, Shirley Edwards and Nancy Harris for their hard work in the kitchen.  These residents are all enthusiastic members of ParraPals.
An example of our wonderful gardens at Constitution Hill
And didn't we have a great day for it - as you can see from our photos above and to the right.

Spring has indeed sprung.


  1. Spring obviously looks good at the Village.

    Hopefully we will get a few enthusiastic members,

    Cheers, Pete

  2. You pair did a good job, we may even double your pay once all the new members roll in!
