Friday, July 9, 2010

Julie Owens MP visits Parramatta Computer Pals

As we mentioned in an earlier blog, the club was successful in obtaining a grant through the Commonwealth government's Volunteer Equipment Grants Program 2009.  With the grant we bought a new laptop, a data projector, a digital camera and a new sound system designed to assist members with hearing impairment during their lessons or at a members' meeting.

We thought it would be a good idea to invite Julie Owens, the Federal Member for Parramatta to the club to see how we operate and show her the new equipment in operation.  The photo above shows Aileen Williams, a member with a severe hearing impairment chatting to Ms Owens.  Aileen is very impressed with the hearing equipment, as are many other members of the club.

Julie also had the chance to chat to members of our management committee over a cup of coffee.  More photos can be seen on Google albums - just follow the link to

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Marg T and John M for all your hard work in applying for and researching the type of hearing equipment needed for Parramatta Computer Pals for Senior's.

    We the students, are very much impressed and grateful as it distributes the "speakers voice" so much more effectively. Students in the classroom can easily hear the teachers instuctions no matter where they are seated.

    Monthly members meetings are sure to be even more lively now that the "speakers voice" will reach every corner of the larger room.
