Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gmail, iGoogle and blogger

As comments on yesterday's blog make evident, John took no part in the Google tools training yesterday. He has a bad cough and is not at all well today.

Nevertheless, we had a really good session. The first task was to set up a Google account, which three students had already done. The students are all quite computer literate, most of them having enjoyed lessons for at least a year, so that didn't take long. The next task was to set up a customised iGoogle page. This will be ongoing of course, as we investigate the many Google tools available and discover which of them we each enjoy most.

We then had a look at Deborah's blog on her current travels in the USA and became followers. After that we looked at this blog and put some comments on it.

By this stage we'd nearly run out of time, just as we were beginning the task of setting up a Googletools group in our personal Gmail accounts. We couldn't believe how fast the session had gone.


  1. I couldnt believe how fast the morning was....it was so interesting!

  2. Google has some many features besides it well known search engine. It is quite interesting to learn all these features and tools u can use.
    Wayne Johnston

  3. It's good to see two of my Google Tools students using the comments section!

  4. If time permits could we set up a web album and a link to it

  5. Marg, I need a Blog for my next trip........I hope I can set one up with your help.
