Bev checking Honor's financial status |
The Club's 2010-11 Annual General Meeting was held last Friday, 21st October and 45 financial members turned up. There were many more apologies than usual, including that of our treasurer Hazel Labka who is currently recovering from an operation, and other usual attendees who are engaged in heavy caring responsibilities or are on holidays.
But nevertheless, many of our members turned up to help out, as you can see here.
Margaret, Judy and John presented reports |
A number of members of the committee changed responsibilities this year. I decided not to stand as secretary, having been in the position for over four years - since the club was established in January 2007.
Deborah Martin, formerly our vice president stood for secretary instead. Judy Joyce was nominated for vice president, freeing up another "ordinary" member position on the committee. This vacancy will be filled by secondment at the next meeting of the management committee.
Michael Myers and I were nominated for ordinary member positions.
Thanks go to David Moutou from Council for kindly agreeing to act as our returning officer.
John Moxon and Hazel Labka, president and treasurer respectively are not due for election until the 2012 AGM.
John, Jan and Jon trying out the document camera |
Unfortunately both our original guest speaker, Michaela Aguilar from ParraConnect and her replacement Andrew Downing from Tapestry were unavailable (with good reasons!), so president John came to the rescue demonstrating an interesting piece of equipment - a document camera. He used Jan Brandon's iPad usage as an example. The document camera can be used in conjunction with a data projector, showing either still photos or recorded movies. It also records sound. It would be a really useful training tool, once the user gets the hang of it.
Over a four year period, this is the first time we've had to fill in at the last moment due to a cancelled guest speaker, so I guess we can consider ourselves lucky - that's nearly 50 monthly meetings!
Marg G and Nadia |
It was good to see Margaret Green - a former member of our management committee - back from her overseas trip. Margaret is one of our members who works hard to make all our members feel welcome.
Morning tea means washing up too! |
After John formally closed the AGM, members enjoyed a great morning tea, provided by Margaret, Lyndell, Kate and other members.
Good meeting and good outcome.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Judy and Deborah on their new positions. Many thanks to Anne H, Bev P, Lyndell N, Gwen D, and all the willing members who helped with the setting up of the room, greeting members, checking names off, and of course "washing up cups".......what a team!
Marg G
We have a good lot of willing workers our club couldn't run with out them.