How could this be? Tomorrow, we will be missing at least four of our management committee - and maybe a fifth - at our May members' meeting. Deborah and Peter are on holidays interstate; John is in bed sick; Hazel (No 2) has to take Deb to hospital; and Judy has come down with a chest infection.
Nevertheless, we'll survive. Committee members Marg G, Michael and Marg T will be there, and we've rung around to find other members to help us out with setting up the equipment, welcoming new members, taking fees, helping Hazel No 1 with the catering.
Tomorrow we will be using two brand new urns - 5Litre urns for easy handling. Thanks Margaret Green for researching the best deal for us.
By the time you leave tomorrow, members should know much more about our club website, and how to find information on it.